
Capital Grants Programs

The Capital Grants Programs provide capital assistance via the Australian Government Capital Grants Program (CGP) and Queensland Government State Capital Assistance Scheme (SCAS).  These grants assist eligible schools of the independent sector to construct, convert, refurbish and upgrade tuition, tuition support and boarding facilities.

Find out how to access an application form for making a CGP or SCAS application here.

Master Plan Grants

Master Plan grants which support schools to undertake the development of a school-based paster plan are now available.  These grants, made possible under CGP,  assist schools to complete the sound educational planning required as the pre-cousor to development of capital projects on school sites.  Information on grant eligibility is available here.

Information on how to make a Master Plan grant application can be located here.

External Infrastructure Subsidy Scheme 

The External Infrastructure Subsidy Scheme (EIS) assists eligible schools to meet external infrastructure costs associated with capital works projects as required by government authorities and, where relevant, utilities providers.  Subsidies are provided in the areas of infrastructure charges and external infrastructure project works in connection with development of school sites.

Information on how to make an EIS application can be accessed here.

Trade Training Centres in Schools Program/Trade Skills Centres

The Trade Training Centres in Schools Program enabled schools with students in years 9 to 12 to seek funding for trade training facilities. The program ceased in November 2013.  In January 2014, schools with in-principle funding approval for a TTCiS facility transitioned to Trade Skills Centres.  

With all funded facilities in the Queensland independent sector now operational (from mid-2015 onwards) and delivering approved training, schools with either a Trade Training Centres in Schools facility or a Trade Skills Centre facility will continue to operate under their binding funding agreements.  Participating schools are still able to make reference to information relating to ongoing approved training delivery and annual reporting obligations contained in this part of the web site.